ESG Policy

At EHM Ltd, we are committed to conducting our business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable. As a hospitality management company with responsibility for multiple hospitality properties, we recognize the importance of integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into our operations and decision-making processes. This ESG policy outlines our commitment to these principles and serves as a guide for our actions:

Environmental Stewardship:

1.1. Energy Efficiency: We will strive to reduce our energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient practices, including the use of energy-saving equipment, optimizing lighting, and minimizing unnecessary energy use.

1.2. Waste Management: We will implement waste reduction and recycling initiatives, promoting responsible waste management practices throughout our operations. This includes minimizing single-use plastics and encouraging staff and guests to participate in recycling programs.

1.3. Water Conservation: We will monitor our water usage and implement measures to conserve water wherever possible, such as installing low-flow fixtures and promoting water-saving practices among our staff and guests.

1.4. Sustainable Procurement: We will prioritize sourcing products and services from environmentally responsible suppliers and strive to use sustainable materials wherever feasible, considering factors such as recyclability, renewability, and ethical sourcing.

1.5 Sustainable Travel: We will endeavour to use public transport where feasible to minimise our environmental impact when travelling between properties that we manage.

Social Responsibility:

2.1. Employee Well-being: We are committed to providing a safe and inclusive working environment that respects the rights and dignity of our employees. We will promote fair employment practices, equal opportunities, and foster a culture of diversity, respect, and work-life balance.

2.2. Guest Satisfaction: We will prioritize guest satisfaction and strive to exceed their expectations by delivering high-quality services, ensuring their safety, and actively seeking their feedback to continually improve our offerings.

2.3. Community Engagement: We will actively engage with the local community and support initiatives that contribute to its social and economic development. This may include partnerships with local organizations, volunteering efforts, or sponsorship of community events.
Governance and Ethics:

3.1. Transparency and Accountability: We will maintain transparent business practices and adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards. We will communicate our ESG efforts to stakeholders, ensuring accountability and providing opportunities for feedback and dialogue.

3.2. Data Privacy and Security: We will handle personal data in compliance with applicable data protection laws, safeguarding the privacy and security of our employees, guests, and other stakeholders.

3.3. Ethical Conduct: We are committed to conducting business with integrity and ethical principles. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, promoting fair competition, and upholding high standards of honesty, trustworthiness, and professional conduct.
Continuous Improvement:

4.1. Monitoring and Reporting: We will establish systems to monitor our ESG performance, set measurable targets, and report on our progress regularly. This will enable us to identify areas for improvement and ensure that we stay accountable to our commitments. This will be achieved by regular reviews in Quarterly Board Meeting with minutes of appropriate actions agreed.

4.2. Training and Awareness: We will provide appropriate training and resources to our staff, enabling them to understand and contribute to our ESG goals. We will promote awareness among employees, guests, and other stakeholders about our ESG efforts and encourage their active participation.

4.3. Collaboration: We will actively seek opportunities to collaborate with industry peers, experts, and stakeholders to share best practices, knowledge, and innovations that contribute to the broader goals of sustainability and responsible business practices.

This ESG policy will be reviewed on or around 8th June annually to ensure its relevance and effectiveness, reflecting changes in our business, industry practices, and evolving societal expectations. By adhering to this policy, we aim to create long-term value, minimize our environmental footprint, foster positive social impact, and strengthen our reputation as a responsible and sustainable hospitality management company.

EHM Environmental, Social & Governance Policy May 2023